
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


sekarang nie honeymoon ler kan sebab belum kawen...
yang B2B yang dah jadi wifey semua jadi horny-moon yer..haha
lets see how it goes pas kawen nanti..:p

ok, so we (me and en.tunang) where to go honeymoon after kahwen and he made a shocked face..

the question popped out like this:
"what is your honeymoon definition?"

me: vacation with my husband after married..take a rest after penat lelah with all the kenduri stuffs..maybe tak pergi terus lepas kahwen konpem duit pon dah kering time tu kan but within 6 months..that is my definition..

him: as for me, when you want babies you go for honeymoon..



nota kaki: both of us will plan for surprised honeymoon for each other...dunno when..:p


LisaLisut said...

kakakakaka.mmg kelakar la tunang u.bila nk baby baru g honeymoon.so before g honeymoon meaning tak nk ade baby lg?kekekekeke.cute.kelaka pun ade.to me kalau ade duit,mcm skrg dh bole book n smpt nk settle byr semua bole je terus praktiskan definisi u.i think most b2b definisi honeymoon mcm u.termasuk i.but depends on money.no money stay home looorrrr.hehe

missbutterfly said...

just like urs..hehee