
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sebenarnya dah lama nak buat entri nie..
pernah terfikir nak publish this entri kat my other blog..
but since both my sister ader link blog I, so lupakan aje...
kang terharu touching lebey-lebey plak..

I ada 2 adik perempuan..
selalu dulu kalau pergi mana-mana bertiga semua orang ingat kami kembar tiga..seronok jugak...
but now masing-masing dah bawa haluan masing-masing..
I'm in Penang..time for me to come back home..
while the orther two in Melaka and Indonesia further their study..

To be honest, my relationship with my sisters turun naik..
adat lah bergaduh semua tu..
being the eldest, I always the stubborn one..I taknak mengalah and all that stuff..
but I am more independent sebab lepas darjah 6 jer I terus duk asrama yang jauh dari family..
and sebab independent tu lah, I jadi kuat cemburu when my mum bought stuff (inner wear) for them...hahahhaah gila bodoh plak rasa tulis kat sini

There's a line...Masa mematangkan usia...
indeed its true..
When I am about to step to another chapter of my life, then I just realize how close our bonding are..
we use to fight a lot..I mean real fight sampai terasa dalam hati nak simpan sampai mati punya gaduh..
we didn't talk to each other even duk satu rumah..
that kind of fight..
at the end, why we are fighting question will popped out..

When I am about to engage, I feel so close to my sister..
we never a fight, even a sec!!!
we compromise and help each other..
they help me a lot..
they sacrifice to me a lot...
bergenang plak air mata I ni!!
all the hantaran and such, they are the backbone..
being the supporter...
then I am just glad and sangat bersyukur..
dan lebih bersyukur, mereka terima mr.fiance as their big brother since before tunang lagi..
thanks to Mr.fiance too...

why it always u almost lose it u just realize about it??
I mean, I am not going to lose my sister but I am going to be somebody wife..
and my husband is going to be my priority..
and I have to compromise between my little family and my family and his family too..
It is a lot to consider..

I still have 1 year to go and lets cherish the moment!!


Nur Rawaidah Rahmat said...

hehe sama macam i la...mw with my 2 sisters pun kejap baik ada juga gaduh skit tapi adik beradik tetap di hati =)

hi...nice blog ive link u eh =)

Unknown said...

tu lah..skrg nak kawen baru nak appreciate..tapi takper, setahun lebih g..hihihi
ok..i'll link u back!!!thanks!!

Sya Sakura said...

Yup, so true.. adik bradik biaselah ade ups & downs, gaduh baik sume.. tp hati tetaapp sayang sgt.. and bile dh nk kawin ni br nk rase semua2nya.. heheh..