So,yesterday i menyerah diri to my co-sv untuk kritikal stgae of my thesis..yeay!!!i am super sv adalah sangat baik giler and my co-sv pon baik tapi strict ler..baru jumpa kali keempat kot...haha banyak benda nak kena buat and due in 2 weeks time..raya mcm tak raya lah kali ni...huhu
Aaaannnd i terserempak with another doctor plak whom willingly nak jadi my co sv no 2..ha,acaner tu?? My sv now dah retired,tp he is still around but to make sure i grad next year, this doctor rela hati nk monitor i of course ler with my sv punya permission..hihi and he is one of the comitte member untuk colloquim. He want my abstract before end of this month untuk presentation. Memang tak sempat lah sebab sekarang result tgh in process lagi. And dia ckp kalau macam tu ready for Feb punya slot. Alhamdulillah. Setel 2 perkara semalam.
Walaupon perjalanan nak habiskan Msc ni paaaaaannnnjang dan sukar,di setiap sudut kesukaran itu pasti ada yang membantu. Terima kasih ya Allah kerana mambantu memudahkan urusan ku....
gud luck..selamat habiskan master keyy
good luck dear...memahami sgt, cz mila pon now, on going writing my thesis for my Msc =)
semoga allah permudahkan urusan kamu :) inshallah....ameen.
elin follow yer.tq.
Cik Puan tqah~~thank yoooooooooou!!:)
Cik Mila~~chaiyok2!!!marilah berusaha!:)
Elin~ thank you!!!
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