
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tunang pon buat kad!POYO!

Not just anyone but MY BROTHER..
the terms poyo is only applied to him.. and only him in my life dictionary!
I dunno what get into him and his fiancee to be!haha
The e-day is next week..
and my bro just draft his card one hour ago... -_-"
Like seriously..
However, the effort should be credited..kan?:p

This craziness start like this..
As u girls know, my future-sis-in-law is mualaf..
she staying at the hostel Saudara Baru at the moment..until September..
She want to invite her ustaz and ustazah to the engagement ceremony yet she dunno how..
so, she asked my bro to make an invitation card...
and I gave death stare to him and yes, he didn't really care...
I dunno how you girls take this but this is hilarious for me!hahah
ya lah kan, tiba-tiba nak kahwin but then macam blur kan...huhu

The card is the simple one...created with Microsoft Word..
Do u know that you can go Microsoft office online and download a few templates on card, poster and such?
thanks for this madness, now I know..its pretty impressive Microsoft nowadays...
not fun without pictures ha?

 Balik kerja jer kacau my laptop..
at first he intend to do it with Microsoft Publisher..but I asked to do with Word..
Word memang canggih sekarang!
I loike!

 the draft..the design he just downloaded it with Office Online..

he asked about my opinion a lot and rejected all of them..
thank you!huh
and yes, off theme plak tu...dah suruh tukar ikut tema pertunangan tak nak!
and I rasa my bro tak tau pon ada tema..sekian..

tak sabar nak tengok bila dia print...haha

nota kaki:eat too much maggi these days!
and yeah...penat jugak cakap utara ja dalam belog!:p


Super Ummi said...

Microsoft word memang dah best sekarang ni kan..
Excel je tak pandai sangat guna sebab jarang guna... heee. ^_^

lovelyadibah said...

haha..kelakar la~:)