
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Friday, June 28, 2013

Takaful untuk ibu mengandung and baby

Ok, ramai jugak yang tanya pasal ni..And ada lah actually a few takaful yang offer this kind of protection la..But, for me I tak buat and tak suggest la. Tapi terpulang pada you girls sendiri ok..ni pendapat jer. Boleh terima atau reject. hihi

Untuk Great Eastern TAkaful, produk ni belum ada, tapi untuk Great Eastern life memang dah ada. But, most agent tak suggest pada client. Why?Sebab merugikan. U have to PAY. No saving at all and the coverage tak meyeluruh. Panggil sebagai Great Lady Care.

Other company ada produk takaful for this kind of coverage, i dah review  2 hari tu with customer, and they say not worth at all. Again, ni pendapat customer, tiada isu pujuk rayu di sini sebab customer suruh tolong explain dan review. I just explain and review as requested. Sebab biasanya amik jer tak tau amik apa pon. So bila dah ada kawan yang tau depa suh review la. I review dengan bukti bukan review pung pang pung pang tak tunjuk apa. Nak review, kena ada polisi and with client.

Masa meeting, ada agent tanya why most agent tak jual Lady care. And the answer is about mind set. Are u wish that ur baby will be born abnormal?So that u take the protection?If ada history family maybe different kind of story. But again, ini adalah pendapat. Ibu-ibu lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk baby and ibu kan?If u rasa worth, just go for it ok?I tak paksa and I tak halang..i cerita the situation ja. Satgi jangan ada yang serang I plak..hahaha

And for Baby, cukup umur 30 hari dah boleh sign up dengan Great Eastern Takaful. Most of parents, bg duit awal2..baby sebulan jer terus inforce!:) ha tunggu apa lagi u olls??:)


Unknown said...

Saya pendapat penting utk insured ur baby. Bukan sbb nk anak lahir abnormal. Lets say kalau ada complication to the baby, so tak perlu la kita nak mintak donation or derma mcm few things that happened when we watched tv. So ambil la insurans. Its for better future sebab im very sad ramai org melayu takde awareness on takaful. U can google takaful prudential for baby sejak dlm kndungan. Sebab if u x amik insurans, mana tau anak yg dilahirkn ada complication, then no insurans yg akan ambil u. Sebab they will not take care for penyakit yg sudah siap sedia diketahui. Just my 2 cents

Unknown said...

Hi Brown Sugar,

Yup, tu lah I cakap mother know best..hihihi depend pada setengah orang..mcm surrounding i cakap tak worth, surrounding u cakap worth..suasana sekeliling memang main peranan. Pendapat never go wrong dear :) thank u for ur advice too...Important!!!